Martin Witteveen

Martin Witteveen works part-time for the Public Prosecution Service in the position of Advocate General, specializing in war crimes and human trafficking. He has worked as a prosecutor for most of his career.
Starting in 2004, Martin worked for three and a half years as an Investigation Team Leader in the Uganda case of the International Criminal Court. After this he worked for five years as an examining magistrate for international crimes at the court in The Hague. After that, Martin worked for another two years for an EU Rule of Law project in Palestine and one year as an advisor to the Public Prosecution Service in Rwanda on behalf of the genocide cases.
Martin currently spends considerable time pro bono on NGOs, in particular at Dutch&Detained. His interest in the role and work of lawyers in criminal cases and the motivation to assist them arose when he worked in Myanmar from 2019 to 2021. Here he worked with local criminal lawyers who worked in Justice Centers and provided free legal aid to suspects. Martin also advises NGOs and others on an ad hoc basis, particularly in the field of international law.