Talha Yilmaz

Talha Yilmaz - Lawyer at Stichting Dutch&Detained

Talha Yilmaz (1988) is a criminal lawyer in The Hague. He also volunteers at Dutch&Detained.

In addition to his legal education, Talha did multiple courses and programs at the sections Religious Studies and Middle Eastern Studies, of which the Arabic track and the Honors program Law and Religion. During his studies, Talha completed an internship at a law firm in The Hague and at the Turkish embassy in The Hague. He has also worked as a corporate lawyer. After his education, Talha started a practice as independent legal advisor, after which he was admitted as a lawyer in 2019.

His broad knowledge of and experience with Dutch and international legal systems, languages and cultures come together at Dutch&Detained in the legal assistance of detainees in the Middle East and North African regions.

Talha speaks Dutch, English, Turkish and Arabic fluently.

E-mail: yilmaz@dutchdetained.com